When building architectural masterpieces, it’s important that you begin with superior quality materials. If you’re on the hunt for the best timber suppliers in Melbourne, then you may be wondering what to look for – and what sets Everist out from the crowd. Fortunately, we have compiled this list of factors that will tell you whether or not the supplier you’ve partnered with is the ideal choice for your needs.

- Quality Timber
It goes without saying that the first thing you should look for when searching for timber suppliers in Melbourne is high-quality timber! The hardwoods and other products that they supply should be sustainably sourced and hand-selected to ensure premium performance, durability and appearance! Thankfully, Everist Timber ticks all of these boxes!
- Thorough Explanations
A reputable supplier will ensure that their website and other promotional material contains thorough explanations of their timber products and services. Those who are less-than-reputable will often provide the bare minimum information, often just the product name (such as “Blackbutt”) or the service (such as “Decking”), because they either don’t know anything about, don’t care to help you out, or are selling a lesser quality product. Don’t take the risk!
- Provision of Quotes
A reputable timber supplier in Melbourne will be more than happy to provide you with a quote for the product or service you require. At Everist Timber, our Trade Portal allows you to easily access current and past quotes, place orders, and ask questions!
- Customer Testimonials
A reputable supplier will be more than happy for you to read testimonials from past customers, either on their website or on third-party websites (such as Google). If testimonials are conspicuously missing, you have to ask yourself why. Another excellent place to look for customer reviews is on their social media channels – and you can see their timbers in action!
- Advice and Suggestions
A reputable supplier will be more than happy to provide you with advice and suggestions regarding the timber you’re interested in purchasing and its suitability to the project in question. If they feel that you’ve chosen a wood that is too weak for the intended purpose, they’ll tell you so and recommend one that is more durable. Those who are less-than-reputable likely won’t even notice your mistake.
We hope that the information provided above has given you a much better idea of what to look out for when choosing a timber supplier in Melbourne. Whilst it is still possible to make a mistake or be fooled by a crafty supplier, you can rest assured that the chances of this occurring are greatly reduced when you’ve used out list of factors outlined above. At the end of the day, don’t be afraid to go with your gut instincts – they are very often spot on.